Friday, July 8, 2011

‪You're Gonna Miss Me- Lulu and the Lampshades (Cover)‬‏

this video just makes me smile - this girl can sing, she's got an infectious smile, and the thing with the cup is almost hypnotic - well worth the minute and a half (wish it was longer!)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Psychic Readings - Can a Psychic Really Predict Your Future?

Are you curious about what the future holds in store for you? Will you be single or married? Will you be financially successful or not? Will you be famous or just the average, ordinary John or Jane Doe? These are just some of the many questions ardent believers in psychic readings ask. Do you wonder why people resort to psychics to know what their future will bring? Well, wonder no more; that's what this article is all about.

I was just talking to Frankie about psychic readings earlier, and how some people really believe that a psychic can tell their future. What do you think about it? I just read this article over at ezines (see excerpt); I don't want to give away the whole thing, but I've always felt that more info is better than less, and if people want to try and get more info about the future from a psychic, then why shouldn't they go ahead and do it? One surprising bit from the article was the types of people who are the most likely to have a psychic reading done in the first place; I think it will probably surprise you, too; it's most likely not who you might think... read the whole thing.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How Do You Know When Your Boyfriend Is in Love With You?

Are you wondering if your boyfriend is truly, madly, deeply in love with you? Are you wanting to know for sure that he's as serious about you as you are about him? In this article, I'm going to talk about a couple of unusual ways to find out FOR SURE whether the man of your dreams is all that he seems...

Here's an article about how you can know for sure if your boyfriend is in love with you by Rosemary Chandler. She comes up with some interesting twists on the question and its resolution, and relates everything back to her own story (linked on another site) about the love compatibility test that changed her whole life! If you're interested in love (you are, aren't you?) and in psychic phenomena (and who isn't?), then you'll want to read the whole thing!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Psychic Medium Recommendations Of Top Psychic Mediums By Spirit Messenger Researcher Bob Olson

Bob Olson is an author, magazine editor and former private investigator who has researched psychic mediums for over 12 years. Once a cynical skeptic, Olson met his first genuine and legitimate psychic medium in January of 1999. The psychic medium conveyed messages from Olson's deceased father and grandmother that were incredibly accurate, including details such as names, dates and information about his life that this stranger (the psychic medium) could never have known.

I was running a search on "mediums psychics" earlier, and the first result that came back was a site called It was built by a former private investigator named Bob Olson, who appears to have done some serious research into the claims of psychic mediums. As the snippet I clipped mentions, Olson has been investigating this area of psychic phenomena for more than a dozen years; ever since his own eye-opening experience with his first genuine psychic medium. The site is impressive, and I'll be sure to make the time to go back to have a better look. I think anyone who's at all interested in this particular area of investigation will be happy to spend some time here.

Finding Love - How to Know Someone Is Your Soul Mate

Are you having trouble finding love? Or wondering if the person you're with right now is really your soul mate? If so (whichever it is), you're in good company: lots of us (especially women of a certain age, hint, hint) are in the same boat: if we don't have someone right now, we may be feeling like it's a challenge to find love at all, and even if we are in a relationship, we may be wondering if he's "the one." And no matter what else we may believe, I think we all have the secret belief that there is ONE true soul mate for us out there somewhere, and that it's our life's true purpose to find that soul mate.

I was doing some googling "finding love," and I found this article by Rosemary Chandler; I really like her style, and the fact that she writes about love in relation to the psychic so much... It seems a wee a bit strange to me that here's this successful lady lawyer who's so passionate about all this stuff, but it also makes me think maybe there's hope for me after all, LOL! (Another thing I think is more than a little bit strange: when did "google" become a verb, anyway? It started out as a nonsense word, became a noun, and now everybody's using it as a verb, like I did up there when I said I was "googling" before...) Anyway, here's a little bit of Rosemary's article; you should go ahead and read the rest!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Psychic Reading By Phone: 5 Tips for Getting the Best Reading Possible

Getting a psychic reading by phone has a number of advantages over face-to-face interactions with a psychic:

A psychic reading by phone is less confrontational. You tend to open up easier, and, because of this, you can actually get better results.

Another big advantage is that if you think the conversation is going nowhere, you can end it quickly without the embarrassment of "walking out" on someone.

Probably the biggest advantage is that clairvoyants "hits" on a phone reading are more likely to be real and accurate. Because you're not meeting in person, cold reading is not an option.

Lastly, compared to a personal face-to-face reading, a psychic reading by phone can be much less expensive, and they tend to have much better customer service than most independent psychics.

Found another Filiberto article today (check out the clipping for a little taste). This one is about getting the most out of a psychic reading by phone; it starts by talknig about why this medium (no pun intended) might be the best way to get an accurate and reliable psychic reading, and then goes on to give 5 solid tips on getting the best bang for your buck. Great stuff! Well well well worth the time if you're looking to get the best possible psychic reading for your money (and who isn't?). There are plenty of other writers out there cranking out articles in the psychic niche, but this guy is one of the best: he writes clearly and economically (no filler here; just content) and you get the feeling that not only does he really knows this area, but that he has a ton of fun writing about it too!

Psychics Predictions: The Startling Accuracy of the Best Psychics Will Amaze You!

For those of us who don't believe much in psychics' predictions - you know, people who think you can't really predict the future and all that - news of a particular psychic prediction coming true with 100% accuracy is met with so much shock and surprise it's as if a meteor had just slammed into the Earth and suddenly everyone has super-powers.

So how can you tell a real prediction from a fake one?

Just got finished reading this article by Filiberto Lermon and had to share... It's pretty short, but it makes some really good points, and I think it's well worth the few minutes it'll take you to read the whole thing. In it, the author talks about how to tell the difference between real psychic predictions and fake ones, and the key to making that "soul connection" with the psychic who's doing your reading. Click on the title to read the whole thing (you won't be sorry you did!)